Unified Information Design [Nathan Shedroff]
the vast amount of things that bombard our senses everyday are not pieces of info but data…as Richard Saul Wurman says in Information Anxiety, data is fairly worthless…it is the product of research or creation (such as writing) but it is not an adequate p
to have information value, data must be organized, transformed, and presented in a way that gives meaning; transformation makes data meaningful because it requires creation of relationships and patterns between data
our goal: to transform data into information, organize it in meaningful form, and present it in meaningful and appropriate ways
Let's talk a little more about information design, and I'd like to point to Nathan Shedroff's influential views here. He talks about Unified Information Design, which starts with the essential view that the vast amount of things that bombard our senses ev
To have information value, it must be organized, transformed, and presented in a way that gives meaning…..Transformation makes data meaningful because it requires the creation of relationships and patterns between data
Our goal? To transform data into information, organize it in meaningful fom and present it in appropriate ways and communicate context around i
As Shedroff eloquently writes in his work on Unified Information Design, "Our mandate for the 20th century is to allow people to negotiate the ever-increasing flood of data disgorged daily from an ever-increasing number of outlets. Without a guide to nego
In fact, the taming of almost unmanageable amounts of data and its presentation in digestible form hinges on the innovations of information architects
And audio--with its naturally integrative properties--is very well suited indeed for presenting highly dimensional data--without creating information overload