Field of sonification
by nature, it’s interdisciplinary, integrating concepts from human perception, acoustics, design, the arts and engineering
until we understand more about what makes it successful, it will be mired in ad hoc trial-and-error design
International Community for Audio Display: forum for presenting research on the use of sound to display data, monitor systems, and provide enhanced interfaces for computers and virtual reality
courses at Australian Center for Arts and Technology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Human Computer Interaction group at University of Glasgow
MIT Machine Listening group: bridging gap between current generation of audio technologies and those needed for future apps, including automatic browsing and content access as well as control over the production/presentation of audio information
By nature, it’s interdisciplinary, integrating concepts from human perception, acoustics, design, the arts and engineering
until we understand more about what makes it successful, it wil be mired in ad hoc trial and error design
There is some interesting work going on in terms of developing methods of rendering nontext web based content to blind users And sonifiication is clearly proving useful in data analysis: for example, during the Voyager 2 space mission, there was a problem
The visual data just showed a lot of noise--but when it was placed through a music synthesizer, they could hear a machine gun sound during a critical period. And they figured out their problem was being caused by high-speed collisions with electromagnet
Right now, there are a few courses available at the Australian Center for Arts and Technology and University of Illinois Urbana Champaign; there’s a Human Computer Interaction group at the University of Glasgow, and at UC Davis, where they’re working tow
For more information on the emerging field of sonification, check out the recently formed International Community for Audio Display ( which is a forum for presenting research on the use of sound to display data, monitor systems, and provide enha
And of course, you're probably familiar with the MIT Machine Listening group, which is focused on bridging the gap between the current generation of audio technologies and those needed for future interactive media applications that demand automatic browsi