Slide 9 of 37
Ok, let's consider sound as tool for immersion....relative to web as an immersive environment..and role sound plays in sensorial design
When someone becomes IMMERSED in something, he or she achieves a state of profound involvement--it could be gardening, swimming, meditation--their energy is absorbed and pulled into focus...
The net is one of the all-time great immersive mediums (so it’s perfect showcase for experience of immersion. As Nathan Shedroff has pointed out, the use of rich, ambient media--beguiling sounds, text, videos, animations, interactive interfaces--lets us r
Shedroff talks about what he terms "sensorial design," which involves writing, graphic design, iconography,, typography, illustration and color theory, photography, animation, and sound and music…each has own traditions…and these elements must coordinate
If we can integrate and synthesize these things, we create far more compelling, engaging, and appropriate experiences--and more successful communication and interaction.
Shedroff goes on to remind us that the interface to any experience must have a message-- and a reason for communicating…Good sensorial design begins with the creation of meaning--and the development of appropriate types of interactivity to support it.