Slide 31 of 37
Let's do a fast wrap on the role of sound in film:
It can play a narrative or direct storytelling role or a
subliminal narrative role, inviting our willing suspension of disbelief
it can be manipulated to produce emotional involvement in the material--Hitchcock, for example, was a master of manipulating sound to tell his tales in the most compelling way possible--think for example, of the Birds or Psycho-- their audio tracks have
The function of music in a movie is to tell the audience how to feel from moment to moment....there is a set of unwritten emotional sound equations, where, for example, low frequencies represent a probably goes back to some primordial roo
Think about the shark in Jaws, introduced by four low notes, implying this sense of foreboding or doom...if you take a perfectly pleasant sunny scene and punctuate it with distant thunderclaps, you're sending a very clear message to the audience. I mean,