Sound and simultaneity
How is our perception of sound different from our perception of the visual experience? How might the architecture be different from that designed for text and pictures?
We perceive simultaneous events in sound better than we can perceive multiple visual events--can’t read two books at once, but you can follow two conversations, tuning your ears to receive greater information from the more interesting one. [By the way, o
How is our perception of sound different from our perception of the visual experience? How might the architecture be different from that designed for text and pictures?
Well, for one thing, we perceive simultaneous events in sound much better than we can perceive multiple visual events--you can’t read two books at once, after all, but you CAN follow two conversations, tuning your ears to receive greater information from
Surely, you've noticed this at a cocktail party, or sitting on the bus...and by the way, our ability to follow different aural streams is enhanced when different events have different spatial orientations.