
international recruiting prospectus

International Recruiting Prospectus
Ithaca College

Ithaca College began seriously courting the overseas student market in the early 1990s and quickly learned it needed to create additional admission literature for this audience As project manager, I worked with the director of admissions and a committee of other department representatives to write and produce an international prospectus.

My copy selectively highlighted international events on campus and in the town, making the argument that Ithaca offers an extraordinary blend of city sophistication in the midst of rural tranquility. I did the legwork to try and make our sales points: among other things, I noted that our local schools reflect the city's diverse blend, with students in primary schools hailing from 62 countries (49 languages spoken--the largest groups are Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, Russian and Japanese.)

I identified students and professors with foreign backgrounds and massaged their words to create statements that accurately reflected their experience while echoing our party line. And, of course, I revised and reused some boilerplate copy from the main prospectus.

Shinobu Tamura

We were careful to include a special welcome from the president and director of our international programs and wherever possible included friendly diverse faces (but no photos showing bare skin on arms/legs-- that was one of many no-nos, I discovered, for this market.)

Vivian Fosk-Cosi

Again, I worked with an outside design firm to bring this publication through the many stages of approval it required; it set the benchmark for additional international recruiting materials and though the design has since been somewhat modified, the structure and core content remain the same.


You may not reproduce any portion of graphics, text, sound, or images without written permission from TLC PRODUCTIONS, 33 Twin Glens, Ithaca, New York 14850.