Tracey Linton Craig
Content Developer. Freelance: Ithaca, New York, and Washington,
D.C. (1988-1991, 1995-present)
- Manage media projects, from producing
a music CD to generating interactive CD-ROMs and web sites; research
and create content, assist in initial design and production
- Write articles on wide variety of
topics, with special emphasis on cultural and museum themes as well
as individual and company profiles
- Edit publications ranging from
annual reports, books, and exhibit catalogues to guides, brochures, and
- Photograph and record events
(video and audio) on ad hoc basis for publication and to augment
written content development
- Cover and report on professional
conferences and seminars
Clients have included American Association
of Museums, American Council for the Arts, American Psychological Association,
Corcoran Gallery of Art, Communiqué, Finger Lakes Productions, Finger
Lakes Wine Gazette, Ithaca Sciencenter, Kindermusik, National Endowments
for the Arts and the Humanities, New York Folklore Society, Smithsonian
Institution, and World Book Encyclopedia, as well as Cornell University,
Ithaca College, University of Maryland, University of Pennsylvania, Council
for the Advancement and Support of Education, and other education associations.
Writer/Editor, Publications
Department, Office of College Relations, Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York.
Primarily responsible for admission and international programs literature
as well as some music, theater, and communications publications. Wrote
occasional features for the Ithaca College News and recruitment
magazines such as College Digest. Supervised design and production
of a wide variety of ephemeral materials ranging from four-color tabloids,
posters, and brochures to CD-ROM and video presentations, working with
outside designers as well as in-house staff. (1991-1995)
Designed, wrote, and supervised production of text, audio, and
video clips for 40-screen interactive
CD-ROM presentation; created effective new publications for
accepted students and the college"s growing international student
market; wrote and helped produce three 60-second video spots for
Public Affairs Specialist, City
of Falls Church, Virginia. Chief writer and photographer for two monthly
publications, Focus, a community newsletter, and Cherry Hill
Chronicle, an employee newsletter. Served as spokesperson for city
council and police, dealing directly with local media. Wrote news releases,
assisted community groups with promotion efforts, provided information
about city affairs and services to public. Supervised graphics specialist
and administrative secretary. (Part-time: 1990-1991)
Improved photography skills; honed public relations and promotional abilities
Senior Associate Editor, American
Association of Museums, Washington, D.C.
Worked on all facets of publications,
including award-winning bimonthly magazine, MUSEUM NEWS; monthly
newsletter, Aviso; and special projects, primarily books and
brochures. Assisted in determining magazine content and editorial policy;
helped administer $802,000 budget. Wrote feature articles ranging from
museum and personality profiles to evaluations of issues in the field.
Researched and wrote news stories. Supervised production and copy editors.
Directed layout and design for newsletter. (1984-1988)
Developed "Profiles" and "Trends In. . . " feature series, expanded
and revised annual meeting coverage. Supervised transition to telecommunicating
coded type for the newsletter, achieving 40-percent cost savings; advised
on similar transition for magazine, with close to 30-percent savings. Significantly
improved consistency of delivery time for Aviso. Redesigned newsletter
format, enlarging news hole and updating graphic image. Doubled ad revenues
from $62,654 in 1984 to $125,950 in 1988.
Assistant Editor, History
News, American Association for State and Local History, Nashville,
Tennessee. Wrote regular features. Prepared and edited other columns. Reported
on conferences, ran press room at annual meeting. Supervised editorial
assistant and support staff. As editorial assistant (1980-1981),
edited copy and read proof, wrote monthly Ideas column, performed background
research for stories. Compiled and edited the 12th edition of the Directory
of Historical Societies and Agencies in the U.S. and Canada, a standard
reference book. (1980-1983)
Helped to refocus magazine, working with managing editor to emphasize hard
news content. Created "History Update" column, with bulletins from Capitol
Hill relating to the arts and humanities. In seeing Directory through
production, devised new strategy for gathering information, increasing
listings by more than 30 percent.
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Exhibit Design Flunky,
Soundlab, Experience Music Project,
Seattle, Washington. Assisted
in developing interactive museum exhibits for Paul Allen's music
museum, focused on encouraging visitors to listen, learn, and
participate in music--and experience the power and joy of music
in all its forms. (Graduate internship, 1998)
Authored exhibit label draft copy, created design mockup for Match the
Beat prototype and treatments for exhibits on sampling, mixing
and equalization basics, cutting a record, the theremin. Helped generate
audiovisual and artifact placement master plans for Milestones
and other exhibits. Researched artists and instrument visuals for Guitar
Video Production Assistant, Cornell
University Media Services, Ithaca, New York.
Three-month internship offered hands-on
experience in all aspects of in-house video operation, including field
production and studio broadcasts. (Graduate internship, 1997)
Ran camera, edited tape, assisted with lighting for projects that
ranged from documentary on geese overpopulation
and promo spot for Cornell Extension
outreach programs to health-related
docu-dramas (in English and Spanish). Interacted with clients,
seeing projects from initial idea and preliminary scripting to
establishing location and shot lists, identifying talent, and
production work through final editing (Media 100). Also operated
one of three studio cameras for live broadcasts; helped with live
remote broadcasts.
Folk Music DJ, Nonesuch,
WVBR--93.5 FM, Ithaca, New York. Four-and-a-half-hour Sunday morning
show featuring folk music and music in the folk tradition. Substitute
for regular host as needed, approximately 15 times a year (1997-present)
Production Assistant, Gallery
26, cable TV program featuring interviews with local artists. Helped
script shows, conducted preliminary interviews, and wrote "What's Happening
in Nashville Arts" segment for show on public access channel. (1982)
Interviewer, Marion Simon
Research, Inc. Conducted opinion and product surveys for advertising market,
with location supervisor duties. Initiated and successfully implemented
organization expansion, hiring Ithaca interviewing team for this Rochester,
New York, firm. (1979, 1980)
Coordinator. Organized regional conference
for the Oberlin College Women's Center, founded and led alternative
education group, directed local fund-raisers for Oxfam-America,
recruited volunteers for successful school board campaign. (1974-1978)
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Ithaca College, M.S.
in communications (1999)
- Emphasis on interactive multimedia and
new media development in museums, with coursework including theory and
research as well as hands-on video production experience
- Awarded $40,000 Park Fellowship
Oberlin College, BA (1979)
- Major in sociology, with minors
in communications and history
Additional work at Cornell University, University
of Rochester
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Videographer: Betacam,
DV shooting experience. Wrote, edited, and produced promo for
American Medical Women's Association
with historical emphasis on great-grandmother Emma Linton Hill,
one of first female physicians
Photographer: Images
reproduced in several publications
Historical researcher:
From Chillicothe to Chickamauga: A Yankee Soldier's Civil War
Diary (unpublished). Transcribed ancestor's war journal,
with research annotations from private and government documents.
Experienced traveler:
Extended road trips through Nova Scotia, American Southwest, Pacific
Northwest as well as several cross-country adventures; journeys
to Czech Republic and portions of Western Europe, Japan, and Iceland.
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- Access for All web
site for Cornell University Program on Employment and Disability
Web site for Kindermusik affiliate operation in Ithaca (1999)
- New
York Folklore Society web site--meeting invitation component
- Finger Lakes Productions
radio spots (30- and 60-seconds)
for national syndicated Nature Watch, Animal Instincts,
Ocean Report, (1997-98)
- The People Behind the
Product; Wilcox Press,12-page, four-color promo piece (1998)
- Stringer for Finger
Lakes Wine Gazette (photographs and stories) with regular
features such as "Long Live the Revolution! Frank Vineyards
Continue Family Tradition of Passion for Fine Winemaking;" "Look
for the Unique Label: Successful Label Design Reflects a Winery's
Character--and Helps Sell Product," "Gleanings
From Treleaven: Or How I learned to Love Picking Grapes
at King Ferry."
- FUN-damentals:
A Guide for Group Visits to the Sciencenter (1995)
- Encyclopedia of African
History (copy editor) Zenda Publishing (1995)
- Conference reporting for
several Smithsonian events, American Symphony Orchestra League,
American Council for the Arts, National Science Foundation,
and National Endowments for the Arts and the Humanities (1988-1991)
- Snakes, Snails, and
History Tales: Discovery Rooms at the Smithsonian, Smithsonian
Institution Press (1991)
- Annual Report, Corcoran
Gallery of Art (1989)
- Work Papers I, Federation
of Artists and Performing Theatres (1990)
- The Art of Tapestry
(catalogue), University of Maryland (1991)
- "Shorts," Currents (1988-1991)
- "Testing the Waters: How
Will Museums Set Their Own Standards for Educational Excellence?"
AAM Forum (Spring 1990)
- "Play Match and Win (And
Find Out Where the Mayoral Candidates Stand on D.C. Development
Issues)," Building Washington (Spring 1990)
- ""Wonderful, Wonderful!"
Washington's Architectural Renovations Meet With Acclaim," Building
Washington (Spring 1990)
- "Hard Drivin' Woman: Fran
Kittridge and Her Safety Committee Are Making a Difference,"
Mass Motor (Winter 1989)
- "For the Record: Neil Ratliffe
and the International Piano Archives at Maryland," Library
Issues (Winter 1989)
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Ithaca College
- Ithaca: Educating Professionals
in the Liberal Arts Tradition, CD-ROM
presentation produced by College View (Spring 1995)
- "Making the Transition
to College," College Digest (Spring 1995)
- "Easing Into Student Life:
Freshman Seminars at Ithaca Enhance the Learning Experience,"
Newsletter for Accepted Students
(Spring 1995)
- "Ithaca College: The Best
of Many Worlds," Private Colleges and Universities (1995)
- "London Calling," College
Digest (Winter 1994)
- Ithaca College London
Center brochure (1994)
- "Profile: The Class of
1997," Ithaca College Quarterly (Winter 1994)
- International
Recruiting Prospectus (1993)
- "Methods, Music Fundamentals,
and Musicianship: A Look at Music Education in America," Ithaca
College News (10/5/92)
- "Music as a Language: Composer
Karel Husa Communicates His Visions in Symphonic Form," Ithaca
College News (3/2/92)
- "Husa's Centennial Composition
Remembers Lake Cayuga," Ithaca Centennial (Winter 1992)
- "Building for Tomorrow's
Scientists," College Digest (Fall 1992)
Museum News
- "'Re-Interpreting' the
Past: As the Way We Look at History Changes, So Do History Museums
and Historic Homes (2/89)
- "Off-Campus Audiences:
University Museums Reach Out to the Community" (11/88)
- "Changing the Way People
Think: Re-Created Rainforests in Zoos are Key to the Survival
of the Real Thing" (9/88)
- "Afterschool Adventures:
Children's Museums Offer Programs for 'Latch-key' Kids" (7/88)
- "A Perspective on Pittsburgh:
The AAM Gathers for its 83rd Annual Meeting" (7/88)
- "The
Play's the Thing: Using Theatre as an Interpretive Technique"
- "A Hard Row to Hoe: Turning
a Living History Farm into a Classroom Can Be a Real Challenge"
- "San Francisco Redux: A
Report on the AAM Annual Meeting" (10/87)
- "Around
the World in Eighty Ways: A Guide to Museum Travel Programs"
- "New York, New York: What
a Wonderful Meeting" (8/86)
- "Seafaring
Traditions Live on in Bath" (12/85)
- "At Brandywine Museum,
Art Reflects Nature" (10/85)
- "Five Days in Detroit:
Museum Professionals Plan for the Future" (10/85)
- Interview: "Practical Advice
from a Videodisc Designer" (8/85)
- Profiles:
"Risking It: Women as Museum Leaders" (2/85)
- "All Together Now: The
AAM Meets in Washington" (10/84)
History News
- "History's Future Plays
Well in Rochester" (11/88)
- "The Price of Progress:
To Change Its Image and Expand Programs, the Southern Oregon
Historical Society Must Leave Its Historic Hometown" (8/83)
- "Packaging the Past: Winterthur
Museum Takes a Calculated Gamble on Reproducing Its Collections
for Sale" (7/83)
- "Retreat into History:
Visitors to Maine's Washburn-Norlands Leave the 20th Century
to Re-Create 1870s Downeast Family Life" (6/83)
- "Champions of History:
From Statehouses to Capitol Hill, Politicians Defend and Support
Heritage Programs" (5/83)
- "Afro-American History:
Six Professionals Examine Major Issues in Black History at the
Local Level" (2/83)
- "'Going Strong': The Margaret
Woodbury Strong Museum Opens in Rochester, New York" (1/83)
- "Who Pays for Professional
Development?" (12/82)
- "History for Sale: What
Happens When Subsidy Presses Publish History?" (11/82)
- "History's Top 10 Jobs:
A Look at the Perks, the Pain, the Prestige of Important Positions
in State and Local History," (7/82)
- "Aesthetics Aside: How
to Find Historical Information in Works of Art" (6/82)
- "Delicate Balance: Hagley
Museum Traces the Impact of Technology and Its Products on Society
and the Individual" (5/82)
- "Rowena Stewart, Keeper
of the Story" (2/82)
Paper Presentations
- Sound Design: Using Audio
as a Creative Tool:
workshop for Museums and the Web 2000; presentation offers
a review of good (and bad) sound design, with ground rules for
designing with sound and a consideration of the future potential
of web audio. Minneapolis, April 19, 2000.
- Content
and Community (panel chair): Multimedia presentation
for Museums and the Web 1999, with colleagues from Brazil, Kenya,
and the U.S addressing the ways in which museums are beginning
to establish genuinely interactive web content that reflects--and
is a product of--their communities. New Orleans, March 12, 1999.
- Colloquium: Museums,
Learning, and the Web. What are museums doing on the
internet? A look at how history art museums, science centers,
zoos, and aquariums are helping to change the way we learn.
Delivered in fulfillment of Park Fellowship requirements; Ithaca
College, May 7, 1998.
- Perceptions of Participation:
A Qualitative Exploration, co-authored with Tamara DiVasto,
Nicola Pytell, and Su Tien; presented October 15, 1998, at the
annual meeting of the Organization for the Study of Communication,
Language, and Gender, in Portland, Maine.
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