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Combining words and sounds and images to tell the story is challenging--and fun. But the most important element in multimedia work is the end user: creating a stimulating and satisfying experience is the goal.

Projects detailed here include web site, CD-ROM, and museum installation prototype samples. Interactive design links, including museum-related resources, will soon follow.

[Click on projects below to find more information about each one.]

Museum gallery interactive prototype
Ordinary People; Everyday Lives:
What Was It Like to Live in the Netherlands in the 17th Century?

Authorware project based on Dutch genre art; it intertwines music, art, and history in an interactive multimedia format that encourages the learner to explore connections.
Ordinary People, Everyday Lives

New York Folklore web site Web site
Invitation to the Island
New York Folklore Society 
The meeting component of the NYFS site I created provided appropriate meeting details--and also a rich contextual background that laid the framework for folklorists' serious (and enjoyable) exploration of the regional traditions of Long Island.

Interactive CD-ROM
Ithaca: Educating Professionals in the Liberal Arts Tradition
When Ithaca College's director of admission needed an interactive CD-ROM for recruiting, my boss tossed the project my way, pretty certain I wouldn't be able to pull it off in the very short time frame we had. I surprised him: 40 main screens, with text, audio, stills and video clips.

Kindermusik Ithaca web site Web site
Kindermusik Ithaca
I designed this lively site to promote and provide information about the Ithaca affiliate operation of an international educational program that encourages early learning and creativity in young children through music

Interactive exhibit design mockups and treatments
Experience Music Project
As an intern at Paul Allen's Seattle-based music museum, I worked on the early development of several Soundlab exhibits, including the prototype for one called Match the Beat.
experience music project logo

museums and the web conference logo Multimedia presentation
Content and Community
Museums and the Web conference
In 1999, I chaired a multimedia panel presentation in New Orleans with speakers from Brazil, Kenya, and the U.S addressing the ways in which  museums are beginning to establish genuinely interactive web content that reflects--and is a product of--their communities.

Web portfolio
How I did this web site you're looking at!
home page icon

two people in a boat My first multimedia project?
Merrily, merrily down the stream...
Drawing pictures was never enough for me: what I really liked was making dioramas out of shoeboxes and constructing three-dimensional objects that were part of a story. (Besides, the smell of rubber cement and Magic Markers was pretty intense.) Here's a little multimedia piece I made back when I was seven.


©TLC Productions 1999. All rights reserved.
Unauthorized use or reposting of photos or graphics prohibited.